- About WIYN
- Observing at WIYN
Available Instruments
Optical Imaging
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WIYN Oversight
The One Degree Imager (ODI) is the newest instrument at WIYN. ODI utilizes both WIYN's one degree field of view and excellent image quality. The focal plane of the optical imager is sampled with 0.11" pixels, or up to 1 Gigapixels in total. The sharpness of images can be actively improved by correcting images for tip/tilt image motion during the integration. Corrections can be done over the entire field of view, using a novel detector technology called Orthogonal Transfer Array CCD, making ODI a unique and competitive instrument in the era of wide-field imaging. ODI is funded by the WIYN partners and the National Science Foundation.
ODI is currently in operation at WIYN. Thirty out of a total possible sixty four OTAs comprise the central observing area, subtending an area of approximately 40 x 48 arcminutes on a side.
ODI Overview
Telescope WIYN 3.5m Telescope Port Permanently mounted at f/6.3 Nasmyth port DETECTORS/FOCAL PLANE
Field of View 1° x 1° square; 1° diameter circle unvignetted; useful science FOV for partially filled = 48' x 40' Pixel Scale 0.11 arsec/pixel Detectors (partial focal plane) 30 Orthogonal Transfer Array CCDs. Each OTA CCD comprises 64 480x496 pixel cells; pixels are 12μ square Readout Noise 7 - 11e- Gaps between detector cells 3" in x direction
1.2" in y directionFilling factor of each OTA 93% Filling factor of focal plane 84% (for full focal plane with all operating cells) QE curve of the OTA CCDs FILTERS
Filter Set u', g',r',i',z', NB422, NB695, NB746, H-alpha (full size)
Filters from the Mosaic Imagers are no longer supported.Filters size 42cm, 42cm Number of filter slots 9 ELECTRONICS
Readout Time 30 seconds DATA
File Size up to 2GB, about 1GB in the current 30 detector configuration File Format Each focal plane readout produces a directory in which data from each OTA is contained in a 64-extension MEF file. OBSERVING
Active image quality improvement On-chip image motion correction (experimental)
Atmospheric dispersion compensatorGuide Modes Static Imaging - no OT shifting; detectors are operated like CCDs
Coherent Guiding - Identical OT shifting of all cellsPIPELINE, PORTAL, AND ARCHIVE
All ODI data will be transferred to the ODI PPA system at Indiana University. It will be pipeline processed to remove instrumental signature, and archived. Raw and reduced data may be downloaded from the archive by PI's and Co-I's during the proprietary period and by anyone after the period ends. Proprietary period 18 months (default) Last modified: 03-Apr-2020 16:37:25 MST
- Observing at WIYN