- About WIYN
- Observing at WIYN
Available Instruments
Optical Imaging
Infrared Imaging
Observing Tools
Observing Planning
At the Telescope
After Your Run
- Internal Use
WIYN Oversight
Information for NEID Users
Current NEID Status
Both the NEID spectrometer and NEID port adapter have been commissioned on WIYN and in full science operation.
The NEID Port Adaptor installed at WIYN Information for NEID Users
The Queue Portal
NEID users (e.g., PIs) are given an account within the NEID Queue Portal. These accounts provide them with access to a web interface where they can enter target and observation data prior to queue observing. A guide for using the NEID Queue Portal can be found within the portal at https://wiyn-queuemaster.kpno.noirlab.edu/manual/.
PIs will have proposed a set of targets or target selection methods in their observing proposals. Accepted programs are given an allocation of observing time and user accounts in a queue database at WIYN. Once logged in, users can start defining their observing program by entering instructions into the queue database. The steps to do this are:
- Users enter target data, typically through a Simbad query. Users with GO programs should enter targets described in their observing proposals or propose new targets that match the plans described in their proposals.
- Each target will be reviewed by WIYN staff, who will set a target’s status to "active" upon approval (or may contact the PI for more information if needed).
- Once targets are approved, queue users may begin defining “observations” based on those targets. Observations specify how the targets will be observed and under what conditions. These observations are the basic schedulable unit of telescope use.
- Creating observations, and later editing them, is how users exert control over their observing programs. New targets may also be entered for approval.
Standard Star Observations
NEID observes a small set of RV standard stars every night, and the raw and reduced data products will be available to the community with zero proprietary period. From the following standard star list, 1-3 will be observed every night NEID operates.
Standard star list:
- HD 4628
- HD 3651
- HD 9407
- HD 10700 (τ Ceti)
- HD 89269
- HD 127334
- GJ 699 (Barnard’s Star)
- HD 185144 (σ Draconis)
- HD 221354
Accessing NEID Data
Once data has been obtained for your program it is processed and availalbe within 24 hours. PIs can access their data via the NExScI archive at https://neid.ipac.caltech.edu/.
Last modified: 09-Mar-2023 09:27:09 MST
- Observing at WIYN