- About WIYN
- Observing at WIYN
Available Instruments
Optical Imaging
Infrared Imaging
Observing Tools
Observing Planning
At the Telescope
After Your Run
- Internal Use
WIYN Oversight
How to Propose for NEID time
Targets are separated into groups, if applicable. The groups correspond to targets that you wish to observe in different manners. You might require different priority levels for these groups. If applicable, the same target could be placed into more than one group. Begin each group with a short description. The purpose of this file is to help queue organizers understand the scheduling demands for your program, not to explain your scientific rationale and other details that should go into your proposal form. Don't assume that the TAC will read this file.
The file should list each target as a row of comma-separated values (CSV) with this format:
- TargetName,RA,Dec,magnitude
- TargetName should be a unique, standard, easily-recognized name.
- RA should be either decimal degrees of right ascension or a sexagesimal value in hours, minutes and seconds of right ascension.
- Dec should be either decimal degrees or sexagesimal degrees, minutes and seconds.
- Magnitude should normally be a standard, optical broadband magnitude such as V. Red stars may be described better with a redder filter like SDSS i, or G$_{RP}$. State the filter being used.
- Sexagesimal fields may be separated by either a space or colon (e.g., "DD MM SS.S" or "DD:MM:SS.S"), but be consistent.
Example target list follows below
Generic TESS exoplanet targets to be identified before Phase 2. Will be observed between 2 and 10 times each at different phases of a periodic ephemeris with periods ranging from 3 and 21 days. Magnitudes are V. Priority level 1. Star1,355,-20,11 Star2,15,-10,12 Star3,35,0,13 Star4,55,0,10 Star5,75,0,11 Star6,95,0,12 Star7,115,0,13 Star8,135,-5,10 Star9,155,-10,11 Star10,175,-15,12 Star11,195,-20,13 Stars requiring one spectrum each at any time. Magnitudes are all V. Priority level 3 HD 25082,03 58 48.2,-11 34 42,9.71 HD 33785,05 14 40.6,+42 25 06,8.41 HD 36286,05 30 12.4,-08 37 09,9.42 HD 43685,06 17 36.2,+01 46 30,7.67 HD 47590,06 40 46.9,+33 01 32,7.73 HD 53392,07 04 46.0,-01 49 10,8.49 HD 55922,07 15 15.0,+05 49 06,7.40 Stars requiring a series of spectra during transit to measure the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect. V-band magnitude. Priority level 0 K2-136,67.412460,22.882720,11.2 Nights requested for Rossiter-McLaughlin observations. 2019-12-16 UT (K2-136c)
Last modified: 03-Apr-2020 16:20:39 MST
- Observing at WIYN