WIYN Observatory


WIYN Corporate Documents

Committees of the WIYN Board

WIYN Personnel Committee

The WIYN Personnel Committee is a standing committee of the WIYN Board. This committee shall consist of the WIYN President, the WIYN Treasurer and one representative from each of the other institutions that are not represented already. The purpose of this committee is to consider the salary recommendations from the WIYN Director and make subsequent recommendations to the Board, to undertake the performance review of the WIYN Director, and to advise the Board on any other personnel matter as requested by the Board.

WIYN Scientific Steering Committee

The WIYN Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) is a standing committee of the WIYN Board with a composition and such responsibilities as set forth in the governance proposal as established by resolution.

WIYN Finance Committee

The WIYN Finance Committee is a standing committee of the WIYN Board. This committee shall consist of the President, the Treasurer, the KPNO Director and one representative from each of the other institutions that is not represented already. This committee should monitor the financial health of the Observatory, recommend accounting and financial policies and procedures, and report its findings and recommendations to the Board at least once a year at an official Board meeting. This committee receives the monthly financial reports from the WIYN Director and discusses them as needed.

WIYN Renewal Steering Committee

The WIYN Renewal Steering Committee oversees activities and manages the processes required to draft a renewal agreement for WIYN, Incorporated. The committee should consist of the President and each of the Wisconsin, Indiana, Yale and NOAO administrative members or their delegates. The committee shall be dissolved once a renewed WIYN agreement has been executed.

NSF University of Wisconsin Indiana University Purdue University Pennsylvania State University Princeton University

Last modified: 06-Apr-2021 10:37:29 MST