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WIYN Oversight
The WIYN Observatory Documentation Control (WODC) index contains a body of information on the project dating from its inception to the present. The index is organized into Top-Level Documents that define the project, Technical Reports - publications and formal reports about the project, and internal Technical Notes, less formal engineering reports about the project.
Purpose and Scope
The purpose of this document is to define the document control used on the WIYN 3.5 Meter Telescope Project and to provide a list of controlled documents.
Numbering System
Each document will be given a unique WIYN Observatory document control (WODC) code. Each code will consist of three groups of numbers separated by hyphens. The first number will place the document in the hierarchy of document types, ie. top-level requirements (00), design requirements (01), technical reports (02) and technical notes (03). The second will be the document's serial number within its type, and the fourth number will give the revision. For example, the second revision of the Scientific and Technical Requirements Document has the code WODC 00-01-02.
Approvals and Revisions
The Scientific and Technical Requirements document contains the system requirements for the telescope, instrumentation, and enclosure to meet the science goals of the project. It is approved by the WIYN Board on the recommendation of the project manager and Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC). Changes to the Scientific Technical Requirements may be jointly approved by the Project Manager and SAC if, in their judgement, the changes do not significantly degrade the performance or capabilities of the observatory. Changes that would reduce the performance or capabilities or otherwise increase the cost of the project will be submitted to the Board for approval.
Design requirements documents contain requirements and specifications for individual subsystems. They are approved by the project manager, SAC and one other individual who is typically the the lead engineer in charge of the subsystem but in some cases an individual appointed by the SAC to oversee the development. Once approved, revisions to the Scientific and Technical Requirements and design requirement documents and the required approvals will be recorded on forms and kept in the project files by the project manager.
Technical reports and notes will be issued with the project manager's approval. The index, section 5 of this document, may be updated without Board approval.
Top-Level Documents
- 00-01 Scientific & Technical Requirements Matt Johns, revision 5 6/2/92
- 00-02 WIYN Observatory Document Index Matt Johns, revised by Dan Blanco, revision 32 7/20/95
- 00-03 WIYN Resources Allocation Policy Dave Sawyer, 9/22/95
- 00-04 New Instrumentation Policy Dave Sawyer, 9/22/95
Updated Instrument Acceptance Policy WIYN SSC, 04/12/19 - 00-05 Instrument Support Policy Dave Sawyer, 9/22/95
- 00-06 Operations Readiness Review Final Report Dave Silva, 10/8/96
- 00-07 Guidelines for Scheduling Instrument Support Dave Sawyer, 7/31/96
- 00-08 WIYN Project Oversight Process Art Code, 5/28/98
Design Requirements
- 01-01 System Definition & Configuration John Little, revision 2, 6/92
- 01-10 Telescope Mount Subassembly Matt Johns, revision 11, 8/7/91
- 01-12 Primary Mirror Interface Specifications Matt Johns, revision 8, 4/16/92
- 01-13 Secondary Mirror Subassembly Dan Blanco, revision 2, 10/23/91
- 01-14 Tertiary Mirror Subassembly Dan Blanco, revision 2, 11/91
- 01-15 Nasmyth Instrument Rotator Matt Johns, revision 2, 5/1/91
- 01-16 Primary Mirror Cover Dan Blanco, revision 3, 11/91
- 01-17 Counterweight Assembly Dan Blanco, 7/24/92
- 01-18 Instrument Adapter Subsystem John Little, revision 9, 3/27/92
- 01-19 Instrument Adapter Subsystem Interface John Little, revised by Shelby Gott, revision 5, 1/25/96
- 01-20 Control System Matt Johns, revision 11, 6/6/94
- 01-21 Science Instrument Interface Requirements Matt Johns, DRAFT revision 2, 7/20/92
- 01-22 Graphical User Interface Matt Johns, DRAFT revision 2, 1/28/94
- 01-30 Primary Mirror Cart Dan Blanco, revision 2, 5/1/91
- 01-40 Enclosure & Control Building Matt Johns, revision 2, 5/1/91
- 01-41 Secondary focus/tilt process (Sectilt) Dan Blanco, 5/9/95
- 01-42 IAS Command Line Interface Dan Blanco, 7/20/95
- 01-43 WIYN Cassegrain Instrument Adapter System D. Sawyer and C. Anderson, March 5, 1998
- 01-44 Dual Instrument Filter-Shutter subassembly Design Requirements D. Sawyer, May 28, 1998
Technical Reports
- 02-01 Optical Alignment Matt Johns, DRAFT,4/12/91
- 02-02 Enclosure Thermal Performance Matt Johns, DRAFT revision 2, 5/1/91
- 02-03 Telescope Preliminary Design Study Steve Gunnels, June 1990
- 02-04 Mirror Removal Procedures Superceded by 03-22 WIYN Primary Mirror Handling Procedures
- 02-05 Tertiary blank selection study for the WIYN 3.5 Meter telescope Dan Blanco, revision 2, 8/9/93
- 02-06 Azimuth Bearing Study Matt Johns, 5/22/91
- 02-07 Preliminary Design WIYN 3.5 Meter Telescope Steve Gunnels, June, 1991
- 02-08 Secondary blank selection study Dan Blanco, 7/22/91
- 02-10 Azimuth & altitude Servo Drive Analysis Alan Schier, 5/23/1991
- 02-12 Fabrication of the WIYN 3.5-m Primary Mirror - producing an accurate sphere G. Poczulp, L. Step, J. Richardson in Proc. of the SPIE 1618, p30 (1991)
- 02-13 Temperature Control of the 3.5-meter WIYN Telescope Primary Mirror Larry Goble, in Analysis of Optical Structures, Proc. of the SPIE 1532, p161 (7/23/1991)
- 02-14 Active optics system for the 3.5-m structured mirror L. Stepp, N. Roddier, D. Dryden and Cho, M. K., published in proceedings of the SPIE 1542, p256 (1991)
- 02-15 3.5m Mirror Project at NOAO Larry Stepp, published in proceedings of the SPIE, volume 1236, 615 (1990)
- 02-16 Surface distortions of a 3.5M mirror subjected to thermal variations Myung Cho, G. Poczulp, in Analysis of Optical Structures, D. O'Shea, ed., Proc. SPIE 1532, p137 (1991).
- 02-17 NOAO testing procedures for large optics L. Stepp, G. Poczulp, E. Pearson, N. Roddier in Large Optics II, R. Parks, ed., Proc. SPIE 1618, p78 (1991).
- 02-18 Stress at the support interface of a 3.5m borosilicate honeycomb mirror W.Y. Wong, April 30, 1990
- 02-19 Development of an athermal central support hub for the WIYN secondary mirror. Dan Blanco, revision 2, 7/29/92
- 02-20 WIYN Project: 3.5 m Telescope on Kitt Peak. Remote Observing Conference Report.
- 02-21 Results of Testing the 3.5M WIYN Telescope Primary Mirror and its Support, Thermal Control and Active Optics Systems NOAO Preprint 447.
- 02-22 Detail Design Finite Element Analysis of the WIYN 3.5 M Telescope Steve Gunnels, December, 1992
- 02-23 Design of the WIYN Atmospheric Dispersion Corrector. Liang Ming, revision 2, June 21, 1993
- 02-24 Support System for the WIYN Tertiary Mirror Dan Blanco, 7/93
- 02-25 WIYN 3.5 Meter Telescope Project Matt Johns and Dan Blanco, in Advanced Technology Telescopes V, L. Stepp, ed., Proc. SPIE, 2199, p2 (March 1994)
- 02-26 Modifying Hydra for the WIYN Telescope Sam Barden, published in proceedings of the SPIE, volume 2199
- 02-27 Thermal Design of the WIYN 3.5 M Telescope Enclosure Dan Blanco and Matt Johns, in Advanced Technology Telescopes V, L. Stepp, ed., Proc.SPIE, 2199, March, 1994
- 02-28 Encoder Alignment Procedure Dave Sawyer, unreleased DRAFT
- 02-29 The performance of the WIYN fiber-fed MOS system -- Hydra Sam Barden and Taft Armandroff, published in proceedings of the SPIE, volume ??, 1994
- 02-30 The WIYN telescope active optics system Nick Roddier, Dan Blanco, Larry Goble, Claude Roddier published in proceedings of the SPIE volume 2479, April 1995
- 02-31 Remote Observing from the Bottom Up: The Architecture of the WIYN Telescope Control System Jeff Percival, published in proceedings of the SPIE volume 2479, April 1995
- 02-32 Disturbance rejection of the WIYN telescope position control servosystem Scott Ellington, published in proceedings of the SPIE volume 2479, April 1995
- 02-33 The WIYN telescope graphical user interface Dave Mills, published in proceedings of the SPIE volume 2479, April 1995
- 02-34 Fabrication and testing of the 3.5m, f/1.75 WIYN primary mirror D. Anderson, J. Burge, D. Ketelson, B. Martin, S. West, G. Poczulp, J. Richardson, W. Wong, published in Proceedings of the SPIE, 2199, p193 (1994)
- 02-35 WIYN 3.5 M Primary Mirror Final Report Steward Observatory Mirror Lab, May 5 1993
- 02-36 Procedure and Final Verification for the WIYN Secondary Contraves USA TR-28957 rev A, 11/29/93
- 02-38 ORR Review of Scientific and Technical Requirements D. Blanco, D. Sawyer, 2/1/96
- 02-39 ORR Review of Control System Design Requirements D. Silva, J. Lewis, J. Percival, 2/1/96
- 02-40 ORR Review of IAS Design Requirements D. Blanco, 2/1/96
- 02-41 ORR - MOS/Hydra S. Barden, 2/1/96
- 02-42 ORR Presentation Material Silva et. al., 2/1/96
- 02-43 Status Report on the WIYN Reimager and Spectropolarimeter A. Code, 2/28/96
- 02-44 Preserving Mirror Coating Performance at WIYN D. Sawyer and L. Reddell, September 3, 1997
- 02-45 A Study of the Radiance of the Fibers on the WIYN Hydra Multiple Object Spectrograph and DensePak Array C. Conselice, P. Smith, D. Sawyer, 8/98
Technical Notes
- 03-01 Secondary Mirror Blank Specifications Dan Blanco, revision 2, 8/26/91
- 03-02 Tolerances for the WIYN primary & secondary mirrors Dan Blanco, revision 2, December 19, 1991
- 03-03 Telescope Cabling John Little, revision 6 9/24/92
- 03-04 Grounding Policy John Little, DRAFT, 10/10/91
- 03-06 Calculation of Possible Heat-Induced Stress in the 3.5-meter Mirror L. Stepp, August 29, 1991
- 03-07 Summary Description-NOAO 3.5 M Mirror Support Design L. Stepp, October 1, 1991
- 03-09 Tertiary Mirror Blank Specifications Dan Blanco, October 1, 1991
- 03-12 Preliminary tests-Secondary Mirror Focus/Tilt Actuator Dan Blanco and John Little, May 4, 1993
- 03-13 Structure of the Instrument Adapter (IAS) Guide Box Dan Blanco, April 23, 1993
- 03-14 A/R Coatings for the WIYN MOS Port Corrector David Vaughnn, 7/12/93
- 03-15 Parametric Tolerances for the WIYN Wide Field Corrector Dan Blanco, May 11, 1993
- 03-16 Wide-field Corrector Installation Tolerances Dan Blanco, April 26, 1994
- 03-17 Elevation Axis Polar Moment of Inertia Dan Blanco, August 6, 1994
- 03-18 As Built Optics Dan Blanco and Charles Harmer, 5/5/95
- 03-19 Collimating the WIYN Telescope Dan Blanco, January 30, 1996
- 03-20 Secondary Mirror Handling Procedures Dan Blanco, January 30, 1996
- 03-21 Tertiary Mirror Handling Procedures Dan Blanco, August 3, 1995
- 03-22 WIYN Primary Mirror Handling Procedures Gary Poczulp and Dan Blanco, DRAFT, 2/14/94
Last modified: 06-Apr-2021 10:39:49 MST
- Observing at WIYN