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WIYN Oversight
Index | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991 | 1990 | 1989 | Appendices
March 13, 1992
Face-to-face meeting in Tucson
RESOLUTION 1992-01: The Board authorized the Project Manager to proceed with the contract with Sundt Construction for $1,638,699 to build the enclosure.
RESOLUTION 1992-02: Accept the Sun computer as a contribution-in-kind from IU at a value of $13,409 and to decrease the UW contract by the same amount.
RESOLUTION 1992-03: Accept the Audit of Financial Statements with the exceptions noted [The auditors made an incorrect legal assumption as to when WIYN came into existence in their footnote. WIYN, Inc. came into existence at the time of the incorporation, November 5, 1990.].
RESOLUTION 1992-04: Glen Blevins is authorized to sign the engagement letter with the auditors for 1992 in the absence of Richard Durisen.
RESOLUTION 1992-05: Irwin reported the WIYN sublease has been signed by WIYN and NSF, and the Board approved the resolution on the amount of the lease payment included with the meeting notes.
RESOLUTION 1992-06: The motion was made to accept the resolution to extend the deadline for signing a Mirror Loan Agreement to 24 months.
RESOLUTION 1992-07: Irwin reported that the Board approved in principle a RESOLUTION of the Board at the last meeting to authorize the WIYN Board President to approve contracts and major purchases for the WIYN telescope without a specific Board action. For contracts greater than $100,000, if any particular contract would be more than 10% above the budgeted item or cause the universities' contribution to exceed the amount, then the entire Board would have to take action to approve the contract. The motion was made to adopt the resolution presented by General Counsel on signing of contracts with the change to a limit of $400,000 on item 2A.
April 2, 1992
Letter from Kathy Irwin
- The President of WIYN is authorized to sign, execute and acknowledge on behalf of WIYN, documents or instruments necessary or proper for the following major contracts or purchases.
A. Major Contract/Purchase Telescope Mount Extension Flip Tertiary $25,000 B. Secondary Optical Fabrication $400,000 C. Secondary Cell $35,000 D. Tertiary Blank $102,000 E. Tertiary Fabrication $72,000 F. Tertiary Cell $35,000 G. Corrector Blanks $32,000 H. Corrector Fabrication $47,000 I. ADC Fabrication $25,000 J. Instrument Adapter Camera $36,000 K. Enclosure Construction $1,960.000 - The authority granted by this resolution is subject to the following conditions:
- For contracts or purchases greater than $100,000, the amount of the contract or purchase does not exceed the budget amount set forth above by more than 10%.
- Any technical specifications have been reviewed and approved by the Science Advisory Committee.
- The Project Manager has reviewed any contract and recommended in writing to the President that the contract be signed.
- General Counsel has reviewed any contract and approved, in writing directed to the President, the contract as to legal form.
- The authority granted by this resolution is revoked if the signing or execution of the contract would result in the WIYN budget for that fiscal year being exceeded or would cause the University Members' commitment for contribution to be exceeded.
- If Section 4.7 of the WIYN By-laws applies to a contract, the Treasurer, or if the Treasurer is unavailable, the Secretary, of WIYN is granted the same authority as the President.
Adopted by the WIYN Board on September 13, 1991. Revised, March 13, 1992 October 2, 1992
Face-to-face meeting in Tucson
RESOLUTION 1992-08: Accept the budget in the Program Managers Report, Appendix C.
RESOLUTION 1992-09: The WIYN Board approves revised billing schedule for Indiana University.
1992 January $379.383K April $200.0K July $13.408K October $0K 1993 January $500K April $169K July $169K October $169K 1994 January $169K April $169K July $169K RESOLUTION 1992-10: The Board of Directors authorizes the MOS sub-committee of the Scientific Advisory Committee to negotiate a new baseline design for the Multi-Object Spectrograph and Hydra Fiber Positioner. The Board of Directors authorizes the President, on behalf of the Board, to accept the new baseline design as the working document, describing the instrument to be delivered to WIYN by NOAO for multi-object spectroscopy, if so recommended by the SAC. The cost of MOS will remain at $1M in 1989 dollars.
RESOLUTION 1992-11: The WIYN Board approves the following schedule for the purchase of the multiobject spectrograph/fiber positioner from NOAO. Real year dollars are listed.
1992 October $250K 1993 January $110K April $110K July $110K October $135K 1994 January $135K April $135K July $1K October $135K TOTAL $1,255K Each of the payments in 1993 and 1994 will be contingent on NOAO providing an acceptable progress report covering the work completed, identifying any technical problems arising or slips to the schedule, and outlining the steps to be taken to resolve any problems, to the WIYN SAC at least 15 days before the payment is due.
RESOLUTION 1992-12: The motion was made to adopt the resolution in the meeting book to change banks.
RESOLUTION 1992-13: Motion was made to approve an in-kind contribution of up to $60K to IU, with the final amount to be approved by the President and credited to IU in a timely way.
RESOLUTION 1992-14: The WIYN Board accepts the proposal of the University of Wisconsin-Madison to employ the WIYN site manager. It is expected that the position would begin approximately September 1993, and that, subject to WIYN Board approval, the UW would be allowed to receive credit for an in-kind contribution toward commissioning and operations expenses for the site manager's salary and fringe benefits.
RESOLUTION 1992-15: A search committee will be established by the WIYN Board for the purpose of advising on the qualifications needed for the site manager and to review the qualifications of the applicants and recommend to the employing member the person(s) best suited for the position, and an appropriate salary (and ancillary expenses).
Last modified: 03-Apr-2020 14:30:26 MST
- Observing at WIYN