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WIYN Oversight
Index | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991 | 1990 | 1989 | Appendices
March 1, 2010
No resolutions were passed.
April 8-9, 2010
Face-to-face in TucsonRESOLUTION 2010-01: The WIYN Board is saddened by the loss of one of its members, Bruce Carmichael, who passed away on January 31, 2010, and formally honors his contributions to WIYN. Dr. Carmichael joined the Board of Directors as the Yale University administrative representative in October 2004. It was only natural, then, that when Dick Durisen stepped down from his position as WIYN Treasurer in April 2008; Dr. Carmichael was there to take his place. Dr. Carmichael went above and beyond the duties of Treasurer, working with the WIYN administration to clarify the financial situation of ODI and of the Observatory as a whole. He spent many days and nights with WIYN staff creating and revising budgets and accounting documents in order that the financial picture of WIYN might be better understood.
Carmichael worked diligently, both at meetings and also behind the scenes to ensure that WIYN would be able to move into the future with a clarity of financial and management structure. To this end he served on the Finance Committee, the Renewal Committee, the Personnel Committee, and the Advice and Discussion Committee, and his ever-thoughtful presence was incredibly integral to the daily workings of the organization as well as to the issues of larger scale.
Carmichael truly cared about WIYN and had great vision for the future of the organization. He was always open-minded, urging WIYN members to think creatively and explore options that were "outside of the box," but always cautioning that there needed to be boundaries of "scope, schedule and budget" and contingencies available for unexpected occurrences.
To all who knew him, Carmichael was kind and considerate, soft-spoken but firm. He always gave credit to others who had done work on the projects he presented before he acknowledged himself, and was always gracious. Now it is the WIYN Board who, in memory of him, thanks Carmichael for all that he did for the WIYN consortium.
RESOLUTION 2010-02: The WIYN Board thanks Dr. Richard R. Joyce for his service to WIYN as a member of its Board and for supporting the deployment of the WIYN High Resolution Infrared Camera (WHIRC). In sharing lessons from his experience with successful development, commissioning, and use of infrared instruments, Dick Joyce helped to insure the smooth integration of WHIRC onto the WIYN 3.5-m telescope while also improving the Board's ability to deal with operational issues. His dry sense of humor brought many difficult matters into better perspective, and will be missed along with his expertise.
RESOLUTION 2010-03: The WIYN Board of Directors, on behalf of the entire Consortium, expresses its sincere gratitude and appreciation for the service contributions of Dr. Richard (Dick) Durisen. Dr. Durisen was the treasurer of WIYN, Inc. from its inception until 2008. As Treasurer, he put countless hours into tracking down the extraordinary complexities of our sometimes unwieldy organization. He has continued to serve on the Board with dedication ever since. His calm in the face of turbulent and confusing situations has enabled us to weather many storms. As WIYN has grown in scope, adding new instruments, telescopes and organizational structures, Dick has held us steady, providing both institutional memory and foresight. We are deeply grateful for all his capabilities and for his wisdom as a member of the WIYN Board.
RESOLUTION 2010-04: The WIYN Board is pleased to recognize the outstanding service by Dr. Buell Jannuzi to the WIYN Observatory and its Board.
Jannuzi began his term on the WIYN Board as a NOAO representative in 2005 when he became Acting Director of the Kitt Peak National Observatory (KPNO) and stayed on when he became the KPNO Director in 2007. He has deftly guided the WIYN Board to maintain the balance between the needs of KPNO, NOAO and WIYN. As Director of KPNO, Jannuzi offered many resources that helped to sustain WIYN as a productive enterprise, and worked closely with the WIYN director to allocate these resources in a manner that was beneficial to both WIYN and KPNO.
As a scientist with interests in studies of the formation and evolution of galaxies, the large-scale structure of the Universe, and the physical processes that produce active galactic nuclei, Jannuzi provided a strong scientific vision for WIYN.
Jannuzi will leave the KPNO Directorship and the WIYN Board in mid-year 2010. He leaves the Board with a legacy of careful attention to critical details combined with a strong overview and commitment to WIYN, and his presence will be missed.
RESOLUTION 2010-05: The WIYN Board appoints Ben Griffiths as General Counsel of WIYN, Inc.
RESOLUTION 2010-06: The WIYN Board acknowledges its commitment to execute a letter of intent with IU and NOAO substantially similar in content to the draft letter of intent reviewed by the WIYN Board on April 9, 2010, pending final legal review by NOAO and IU.
RESOLUTION 2010-07: The WIYN Board acknowledges its commitment to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with IU and NOAO substantially similar in content to the draft Memorandum of Understanding reviewed by the WIYN Board on April 9, 2010, pending final legal review by NOAO and IU.
RESOLUTION 2010-08: The Board authorizes the use of contingency funding included in the 11.16M$ ODI construction budget (see RESOLUTION 2008-19). The Board authorizes incorporation of short term activities into the ODI construction budget, including tiger teams addressing detectors and management, and preparation and completion of a comprehensive non-advocate review of the entire ODI project, to be carried out in the next 3-6 months.
RESOLUTION 2010-09: The Board appoints Jay Gallagher as WIYN Board Treasurer, and Jeffrey Kenney as WIYN Board Secretary.
September 1, 2010
VideoconferenceRESOLUTION 2010-10: The WIYN Board authorizes the WIYN Director to use the balance of the $150K allocated in RESOLUTION 2008-17 for the two ODI pipeline scientists (currently 145K$) for ongoing expenses for the ODI project. The Board expects that funding for the ODI pipeline and archive scientists will be incorporated into the budget associated with the proposal from IU PTI and NOAO.
RESOLUTION 2010-11: The WIYN Board authorizes the WIYN Director to use the 65K$ from Yale and the 100K$ from UW contributed for FY11 pipeline expenses for ongoing expenses for the ODI project. If this switch in purpose remains in effect at the end of the third quarter of FY2011, the Director will inform the Board, and these contributions will then be counted as contributions by Yale and UW to the ODI construction budget, rather than as contributions toward the pipeline project. The Board expects that funding for the ODI pipeline and archive activities will be incorporated into the budget associated with the proposal from IU PTI and NOAO.
RESOLUTION 2010-12: The WIYN Board authorizes the Director to fund the operations of WIYN until November 30, 2010 at FY2010 levels.
October 20-21, 2010
Face-to-face at YaleRESOLUTION 2010-13: The WIYN Board authorizes an operating budget of $2.39M for FY11. The Board requires that 10% of that amount be reserved for ODI construction and pipeline expenses.
RESOLUTION 2010-14: The $145K allocated in RESOLUTION 2010-10 to the ODI project will be used to raise the cap established in RESOLUTION 2008-19 of $11.160M to $11.305M.
RESOLUTION 2010-15: The WIYN Board authorizes ODI-related expenses and commitments up to but not exceeding $200K total in November and December 2010. This sum is beyond the cap approved in Resolution 2010-11.
RESOLUTION 2010-16: The Board authorizes WIYN to commit $399K to PTI for continuing development of the ODI pipeline and archive project subject to an appropriately amended and extended version of the Memorandum of Understanding executed on 4/30/10 between WIYN, Inc, Indiana University and AURA/NOAO.
November 29, 2010
VideoconferenceRESOLUTION 2010-17: The Board transfers the responsibilities of Principal Investigator of the One Degree Imager construction project from Dr. Pierre Martin to Dr. Todd Boroson of the NOAO scientific staff, effective Monday, December 6, 2010. Dr Boroson is charged with executing the scope of work as described in the ODI project Memo from November 16, 2010. Upon completion of this charge, the Board will review the plan for the continuing execution and leadership of the One Degree Imager project.
RESOLUTION 2010-18: The Board requests that NOAO and Dr. Boroson present the Board with a plan for the ODI project through the current fiscal year as soon as possible. New expenditures and commitments for the ODI project after December 31, 2010 are prohibited without explicit permission from the WIYN Board President until such a plan is presented and approved by the WIYN Board.
RESOLUTION 2010-19: The Board authorizes the Board President to negotiate a severance agreement with Dr. Pierre Martin, in accordance with the terms of his AURA employment contract. If a severance settlement cannot be negotiated the Board directs the Board president to proceed with the termination of the contract of the WIYN director, effective Monday, December 6, 2010.
RESOLUTION 2010-20: The WIYN Board authorizes the Board President to offer the position of Interim WIYN Director to Dr. Patricia Knezek for a period of 1 year beginning Monday, December 6, 2010.
December 15, 2010
Email BallotRESOLUTION 2010-21: The WIYN Board acknowledges a financial contribution by Yale University to the One Degree Imager (ODI) project. This contribution will take the form of a monthly contribution of $27,000, starting in January 2011 and continuing either until a more comprehensive agreement on the future of ODI can be reached, or for a maximum of six months. If and when an agreement on further financing for ODI is reached, this contribution will be counted as a Yale contribution to the ODI project beyond those required by Board Resolution 2008-19. Until such an agreement is reached, no obligation is imposed on other institutions by this contribution. The Board authorizes the use of these funds only for the purposes outlined in Dr. Boroson's letter to the Board dated 12/10/2010.
Last modified: 03-Apr-2020 15:03:42 MST
- Observing at WIYN