WIYN Observatory


Index | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991 | 1990 | 1989 | Appendices

February 18, 2011

Email Ballot

RESOLUTION 2011-01: The WIYN Board acknowledges a financial contribution of $200,000. by the University of Wisconsin-Madison to the One Degree Imager (ODI) project. If and when an agreement on further financing for ODI is reached, this contribution will be counted as a University of Wisconsin-Madison contribution to the ODI project beyond those required by Board Resolution 2008-19. Until such an agreement is reached, no obligation is imposed on other institutions by this contribution. The Board authorizes the use of these funds only for the purposes outlined in Dr. Boroson's memo to the Board dated 1/21/2011.

RESOLUTION 2011-02: The WIYN Board authorizes ODI-related expenses and commitments, as outlined in Dr. Boroson's memo to the Board dated 1/21/2011, up to, but not exceeding, $281K total through October 31, 2011. This sum is beyond the cap approved in RESOLUTION 2010-14. Since this sum is less than the full request, Dr. Boroson and Dr. Knezek are authorized to determine which activities from the project description will be modified, eliminated, or deferred.

May 12-13, 2011

Face-to-face in Tucson

RESOLUTION 2011-03: The Board of Directors appoints Dr. Patricia Knezek as Director of the WIYN Telescope Consortium through December 31, 2012, retroactive to February 15, 2011, the date of the resignation of the former Director. The Board authorizes a 15% management override in Dr. Knezek's salary, retroactive to December 1, 2010, the date Dr. Knezek assumed the responsibilities of Interim Director of the WIYN Observatory. The Board accepts NOAO's proposal that NOAO will both pay an amount to WIYN sufficient to cover the cost of Dr. Knezek's salary and benefits, as increased by this Resolution, and, in exchange, reduce its in-kind contributions to WIYN from 8.5 to 7.5 FTEs from February 15, 2011 until the end of FY 2011.

RESOLUTION 2011-04: The Board of Directors acknowledges that Indiana University expended $65K of internal IU funds on early stages of the ODI Pipeline and Archive project, and formally accepts the $65K expenditure as an in-kind contribution by IU towards its share of the ODI costs as established in Resolution 2008-14. Upon receipt of an additional $197K in cash, the WIYN Board affirms that Indiana University's obligations as established in Resolution 2008-14 will have been satisfied.

RESOLUTION 2011-05: The WIYN Board authorizes the release of the surplus of $229K from FY10 for current activities in FY11.

RESOLUTION 2011-06: The Board of Directors authorizes the ODI Project PI to expend an additional $21K through October 31, 2011 on ODI-related expenses as outlined in Dr. Boroson's memo to the Board dated January 21, 2011, in addition to the $281K authorized by Resolution 2011-02.

RESOLUTION 2011-07: The WIYN Board accepts the proposed FY11 operations budget, here appended to these minutes, noting that the total budget is $27K over the target as established in Resolution 2010-13.

RESOLUTION 2011-08: The WIYN Board approves the spreadsheet WIYN.Finances.May.2011.xls, here appended to these minutes, as the plan for WIYN financial activities and commitments in FY11. The Board authorizes the WIYN Director, with oversight and approval of the WIYN President and/or the Treasurer to take all necessary actions to implement the plan for WIYN financial activities and commitments as established in the spreadsheet WIYN.Finances.May.2011.xls. The report of the finance committee at the fall face-to-face meeting shall include a written report of all FY11 transactions. Each transaction shall be accompanied by a written explanation to be sent to the WIYN Treasurer and archived in the WIYN Business Office.

July 19, 2011


RESOLUTION 2011-09: The WIYN Board has reviewed the audit report for the year ending September 30, 2010 and accepts it.

RESOLUTION 2011-10: The WIYN Board delegates to the WIYN Director the authority to sign contracts and other agreements that commit WIYN financial resources as follows:

The WIYN Director may delegate his or her signature authority under section (a) above to NOAO or WIYN member employees for a limited time and with the approval of at least one Board officer. Any previous Board resolutions referencing WIYN Director signature authority are hereby superseded.

RESOLUTION 2011-11: The WIYN Board supports Todd Boroson’s request for a $25K allocation to advance the preparation for interferometer testing of the ODI optics.

RESOLUTION 2011-12: The WIYN Board accepts the recommendation of the WIYN Personnel Committee.

August 18, 2011

Email Ballot

RESOLUTION 2011-13: I, Robert de Ruyter, hereby nominate John Salzer to be President of the Board of Directors of the WIYN Telescope Consortium, Inc, effective immediately upon the formal written resignation of current WIYN President Charles Bailyn.

September 8-9, 2011

Face-to-face in Tucson

RESOLUTION 2011-14: The WIYN Board authorizes an operating budget of $2.51M for FY12, and approves the operations spend plan submitted to the Board by the WIYN Director on September 8, 2011. $72K of this amount will be placed into the WIYN reserve account.

RESOLUTION 2011-15: The WIYN Board authorizes the WIYN director to use $72K from the reserve account towards funding the ODI Project for FY12.

RESOLUTION 2011-16: The WIYN Board accepts NOAO's in kind contribution of the service of Dan Eklund for FY 2012 with a value at $48K as part of their contribution towards the operating budget of $2.51M.

RESOLUTION 2011-17: The WIYN Board establishes the practice of allocating any unspent funds from the operating budget at the end of any given fiscal year to the WIYN reserve account.

RESOLUTION 2011-18: The WIYN Board authorizes the WIYN President to dissolve the current WIYN SAC and to convene the members of the new Scientific Steering Committee (SSC).

RESOLUTION 2011-19: The WIYN Board finds that Dr. Todd Boroson, the ODI Principal Investigator, has completed the charge of the WIYN Board as directed by RESOLUTION 2010-17. The Board authorizes Dr. Boroson to pursue completion of the partial focal plane of ODI, deploy the instrument and to do initial testing and verification of the instrument as described in his Plan to Completion dated September 2, 2011, with the understanding that an external review be completed by October 15, 2011 and the results are provided to the Board. The Board authorizes the expenditure of $1.2M, inclusive of in kind contributions, for this purpose. The resources to pay for this amount are delineated below:

RESOLUTION 2011-20: The WIYN Board designates Dr. John Salzer from Indiana University as the Board's representative to the WIYN 0.9m Telescope Scientific Advisory Committee.

RESOLUTION 2011-21: The WIYN Board requests that the WIYN Director continue to develop a plan for the repair of the WIYN enclosure and provide a written plan and budget to the Board by no later than November 15, 2011.

RESOLUTION 2011-22: The WIYN Board acknowledges continued progress towards the PPA CDR. Pending the successful outcome of the CDR, currently scheduled for Oct 31-Nov 1, 2011, the board anticipates an extension of the existing MOU with NOAO/PTI and WIYN by the end of calendar year 2011 to allow for completion of the planned scope of work.

There was a resolution passed in executive session. This resolution will be kept in the executive minutes.

December 5, 2011


RESOLUTION 2011-23: The WIYN Board accepts the proposal for WIYN governance dated December 5, 2011 developed and submitted by the Board subcommittee on governance (Chair: J. Kenney) as the new model of governance for the WIYN Observatory. The governance plan will be effective December 5, 2011.

RESOLUTION 2011-24: The Board names Dr. Todd Boroson Principal Investigator of the One Degree Imager (ODI) construction project and Principal Investigator of the ODI Pipeline, Portal and Archive Project, effective December 5, 2011.

RESOLUTION 2011-25: The WIYN Board accepts the plan of the WIYN Director to proceed with the WIYN Dome repair as described in her document WIYNDomePlan2Dec2011 here appended to these minutes. The WIYN Board commits to fully funding the budget of $518K presented in this document, with each institution contributing in proportion to its share in the Observatory. The WIYN partners agree to contribute to funding this repair project as follows: NOAO contributes a total not to exceed of $207.2k in cash and/ or in-kind contributions; Wisconsin contributes a total not to exceed of $134.7k in cash; Yale contributes a total not to exceed of $88.1k in cash; Indiana contributes a total not to exceed of $88.1k in cash.

RESOLUTION 2011-26: The WIYN Board is pleased to once again formally recognize the contributions to WIYN made by Dr. Abhijit Saha of the National Optical Astronomy Observatory. Dr. Saha has served on the WIYN Board three times, the latest being for the time period in which he served as Kitt Peak National Observatory Interim Director from 2010-2011. Dr. Saha has contributed to WIYN in many, many ways over the years, some of which are already detailed in RESOLUTION 2009-11. This fact alone illustrates the magnitude of his contributions, since they have been so extensive that they cannot all be captured in a single resolution! The Board expresses its heartfelt thanks once again for your long term dedication to WIYN!

RESOLUTION 2011-27: The WIYN Board would like to formally recognize Dr. Charles Bailyn, who led the WIYN Board as its President from 2005 to 2011, for all of his contributions to WIYN. Dr. Bailyn has always been a champion of WIYN within the consortium, within his institution of Yale University and within the greater community-at- large. Dr. Bailyn's energy sparked others to share his intense interest in and love for WIYN and he was able to work veritable miracles in finding needed resources to try to make WIYN and its instrumentation the best it could be. During his time leading WIYN, the Bench Spectrograph upgrade was completed, WHIRC was accepted as a general use instrument, ODI began to develop into a reality, with most of the hardware completed and a pipeline plan underway, the 0.9m consortium renewed its contract, and the operations side of WIYN was flawlessly administered.

Though he has left the WIYN Board, Bailyn will continue to serve on the WIYN Scientific Steering Committee as a Yale University delegate. On behalf of the entire WIYN Consortium, we would like to thank Dr. Bailyn for his dedication and service in his time as President, and are pleased that he will be continuing to serve on the SSC.

NSF University of Wisconsin Indiana University Purdue University Pennsylvania State University Princeton University

Last modified: 03-Apr-2020 15:04:01 MST