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WIYN Oversight
Index | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991 | 1990 | 1989 | Appendices
January 2012
Email Ballot
RESOLUTION 2012-01: The WIYN Board acknowledges the following contributions by its members toward the cost of the pODI PPA project as specified in the Memorandum of Understanding under consideration by the Board: The University of Wisconsin-Madison commits $220,000 in FY2012, $100,000 in FY2013, and $200,000 in FY2014. $400,000 of this amount had been pledged previously in Resolution 2009-09 and represents payments toward that resolution for FY2012 through FY2015, and $120,000 represents an additional commitment for funds in FY2012. Yale University commits $80,000 in FY2012, $125,000 in FY2013, and $130,000 in FY2014. $260,000 of this amount had been pledged previously in Resolution 2009-09 and represents payments toward that resolution for FY2012 through FY2015, and $75,000 represents an additional commitment for funds in FY2012 ($15,000) and FY2013 ($60,000). NOAO commits a total of $746,956 of in-kind contributions to the project during FY2012, FY2013, and FY2014. Indiana University commits a total of $277,038 to the project during FY2012, FY2013, and FY2014 in the form of in-kind contributions by the Indiana University Pervasive Technology Institute.
RESOLUTION 2012-02: The WIYN Board approves the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between WIYN, Indiana University Pervasive Technology Institute (PTI) and AURA/NOAO, version 35, for the One Degree Imager Pipeline Portal and Archive Project and authorizes its execution.
February 14-15, 2012
Face-to-face in Tucson
RESOLUTION 2012-03: The Board endorses the continued service of Dr. Robert Mathieu as interim chair of the SSC until the Fall face to face Board meeting. (Moved by Silva, seconded by Kenney, passed 11-0-1 with an abstention from Mathieu).
RESOLUTION 2012-04: The WIYN Board establishes the practice of allocating any unspent and unencumbered funds from the operating budget at the end of any given fiscal year to the WIYN reserve account. This resolution is intended to clarify and therfore supersedes RESOLUTION 2011-17. (Moved by Silva seconded by Kenney, passed 10-0-0.)
RESOLUTION 2012-05: The WIYN Board dissolves all committees of the WIYN Board that have been established formally by reolution or informally. Any previous Board resolutions establishing or assigning duties to committees of the WIYN Board are hereby superseded. (Moved by Pilachowski, seconded by de Ruyter, passed 10-0-0.)
RESOLUTION 2012-06: The WIYN Board establishes the WIYN Personnel Committee as a standing committee of the WIYN Board. This committee shall consist of the WIYN President, the WIYN Treasurer and one representative from each of the other intitutions that are not represented already. The purpose of this committee is to consider the salary recommendations from the WIYN Director and make subsequent recommendations to the Board, to undertake the performance review of the WIYN Director, and to advise the Board on any other personnel matter as requested by the Board. (Moved by Silva, seconded by Pilachowski, passed 9-0-1.)
RESOLUTION 2012-07: The WIYN Board establishes the WIYN Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) as a standing committee of the WIYN Board with a composition and such responsibilities as set forth in the governance proposal as established by resolution. (Moved by Silva, seconded by de Ruyter, passed 10-0-0.)
RESOLUTION 2012-08: The WIYN Board establishes the WIYN Finance Committee as a standing committee of the WIYN Board. This committee shall consist of the President, the Treasurer, the KPNO Director and one representative from each of the other institutions that is not represented already. This committee should monitor the financial health of the Observatory, recommend accounting and financial policies and procedures, and report its findings and recommendations to the Board at least once a year at an official Board meeting. This committee receives the monthly financial reports from the WIYN Director and discusses them as needed. (Moved by Pilachowski, seconded by Kenney, passed 10-0-0.)
RESOLUTION 2012-09: The WIYN Board establishes the WIYN Renewal Steering Committee in order to oversee activities and manage the processes required to draft a renewal agreement for WIYN, Incorporated. The committee should consist of the President and each of the Wisconsin, Indiana, Yale and NOAO administrative members or their delegates. The committee shall be dissolved once a renewed WIYN agreement has been executed. (Moved by Pilachowski, seconded by Kenney, passed 10-0-0.)
September 6-7, 2012
Face-to-face in Bloomington, IN
RESOLUTION 2012-10: The WIYN Board formally recognizes the service of Robert de Ruyter of Indiana University (IU). de Ruyter has faithfully served on the WIYN Board as the administrative member for IU since 2008. His keen interest in WIYN and ODI made him a helpful advocate for WIYN at IU and a dedicated and informed contributor to Board discussions. In addition, his good humor and pleasant demeanor always made him an uplifting presence during sometimes contentious discussions. Thank you Rob for all you have done for WIYN and we wish you the best as you leave your administrative position to return to teaching and research.
RESOLUTION 2012-11: The WIYN Board accepts the revised WIYN code of ethics as described in the document WIYNCODEOFETHICS.pdf, effective September 7, 2012.
[N.B. The previous code of ethics policy approval was in resolution 2008-01.]RESOLUTION 2012-12: The WIYN Board extends the appointment of Dr. Robert Mathieu as Interim Chair of the WIYN Scientific Steering Committee until the February 2013 face to face Board meeting.
RESOLUTION 2012-13: The WIYN Board approves the WIYN/ODI/PPA Data Rights Policies as described in the document WIYNODIPPAdatarightspolicies.v2.pdf. The policies will be effective as of September 7, 2012.
RESOLUTION 2012-14: The WIYN Board of Directors reappoints Dr. Patricia Knezek as Director of the WIYN Telescope Consortium from January 1, 2013 through September 30, 2015 The Board deeply appreciates Dr. Knezak's dedication, hard work, and success under often trying circumstances, and looks forward to working with her to shape the future of WIYN during her next term.
RESOLUTION 2012-15: The WIYN Finance Committee will work with the Director on a study to (1) explore best business practices for WIYN and how they might be implemented and (2) outline a minimum operations cost model for WIYN. The results of this study will be presented to the SSC and Board at the Spring 2013 face-to-face meetings for discussion and review.
RESOLUTION 2012-16: The WIYN Board approves a FY13 operations budget of $2.717M. The budget shall be funded by the partners via the following contributions: Wisconsin will increase its FY13 contribution by 5% over the FY12 value (for a total payment of $686,183). Indiana and Yale will each increase their FY13 contributions by 20% over the FY12 value (for a total payment of $512,753 each). The balance will be made up by NOAO in a combination of in kind and cash per the partnership agreement.
Last modified: 03-Apr-2020 15:04:36 MST
- Observing at WIYN