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- Observing at WIYN
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WIYN Oversight
Recommended Equatorial Fields for UBVRI Photometric Calibration
(Using S2KB at the WIYN Telescope)
***DISCLAIMER*** These pages, field-of-view, and exposure times were all developed with the specific intent to assist in observations at the WIYN 3.5-m Observatory with the now retired S2KB imager.
Chart RA (J2000) Dec (J2000) N Nsecondary NBLUE NRED 1 00:54:27 +00:40:00 3 1 1 2 00:54:41 +00:41:00 4 2 1 6 00:56:06 +00:52:00 3 1 28 03:54:38 +00:28:00 3 2 52 06:52:10 -00:25:00 4 1 53 06:52:12 -00:18:00 9 1 1 3 54 06:52:31 -00:16:30 6 3 1 55 07:24:15 -00:32:00 8 2 56 07:30:00 -02:06:00 7 1 61 09:21:32 +02:47:00 5 1 68 09:56:14 -00:28:53 4 1 1 71 09:57:28 -00:19:10 2 7 77 10:50:07 -00:01:00 4 1 90 12:42:22 -00:40:00 4 1 95 13:25:52.5 -08:50:00 4 1 104 15:39:14 -00:14:00 3 1 105 15:40:12 -00:19:00 3 109 16:35:32 +09:47:00 5 1 116 18:40:51 +00:02:00 4 1 120 18:42:49 +00:07:00 3 4 2 121 18:43:09 +00:29:00 3 4 1 125 19:37:37 +00:26:00 3 2 130 20:44:00 -10:47:00 4 1 132 21:40:57 +00:27:00 2 3 141 22:16:24 -00:21:00 2 2 1 - J2000 coordinates are listed for the center of the field.
- N = total number photometric standard stars within the field.
- Nsecondary = number photometric standard stars within the field measured fewer than 5 times by Landolt (1992; AJ, 104, 340).
- NBLUE = number photometric standard stars within the field having B-V < 0.000.
- NRED = number photometric standard stars within the field having B-V > 1.400.
- Observing at WIYN