- About WIYN
- Observing at WIYN
Available Instruments
Optical Imaging
Infrared Imaging
Observing Tools
Observing Planning
At the Telescope
After Your Run
- Internal Use
WIYN Oversight
WIYN Operational Status
Below is the current status of known issues that potentially impact operations or instrument readiness at WIYN. Questions about any of these items can be directed to Jayadev Rajagopal (jayadev.rajagopal at @noirlab.edu).
No known issues.
ODI shutter closed when humidity ≥ 80% [07/06/2022]
The ODI dewar window is prone to condensation under high humidity conditions. Since condensation will leave a residue, and every condensation event will fog up some parts of the dewar window long-term. This diminishes the throughput significantly (up to a factor of 2), and in a patchy, non-calibratable way. It is therefore imperative to avoid any condensation event.HYDRA
No known issues.
No known issues.
Bench Spectrograph
No known issues.
No known issues
Last modified: 06-Jul-2022 17:07:45 MST
- Observing at WIYN