- About WIYN
- Observing at WIYN
Available Instruments
Optical Imaging
Infrared Imaging
Observing Tools
Observing Planning
At the Telescope
After Your Run
- Internal Use
WIYN Oversight
WIYN Proposal Information
When applying for time on WIYN, please state as explicitly as possible all information regarding your proposed setups as well as any and all constraints you may have. This information can all be supplied in the current proposal form. Proposers should completely fill out the Technical Description, Experimental Design, Summary Table and Scheduling Constraints, specifically noting the information below. This will assist us in better matching your program's needs while maximizing the scientific productivity at the telescope.
Target Coordinates:
- Exact coordinates if possible. If observers are uncomfortable giving exact targets, general RAs and Dec's would suffice (e.g. Ra=13, Dec=+23). Note that a general range (e.g. RA=8 to 18 hrs, Dec= 06 to 21) is insufficient as that covers too wide of a range. This will allow us to ensure a program is scheduled when most targets are available and be able to check the moon position against target positions.
Moon Position and Brightness:
- If moon position in proximity to targets and moon brightness are a concern please explicitly state so (e.g. "Please keep moon away from target X" or "Please keep the moon x degrees away from target X"). Including clarifications such as optimal/acceptable/unusable dates, as well as moon phase (including whether 1st quarter or 3rd quarter gray time are preferred) is very valuable.
Date/time critical observations:
- Whether full nights or partial, please indicate occurrences in CIVIL time/date. If there are multiple opportunities for observability please further define constraints such as MST +/- X hours and include priorities or preferences for the observations.
Spectrograph Configuration
- Grating and grating order
- Central wavelength and/or wavelength range required
- Filter(s) required
**If multiple setups are required please supply these parameters for each setup.
***If extensive calibrations are required, this should be explicitly stated in the Technical Description section.
Hydra Configuration
- Hydra camera requirement. Please indicate HYDRR (the default 'bench' camera) or HYDRB (a request for the Simmons camera, whose use needs to be justified as it requires a scheduled instrument change).
- Indicate which Hydra fiber cable is required (Blue or Red).
- Note that software controlling Hydra configurations underwent significant changes during summer 2016, and there is an update to the user's access to the new software at https://www.wiyn.org/Instruments/wiynhydrasim_virtualmachine.html.
ODI Imaging
- List all filters required. ODI now contains a full complement of full-sized filters, which are permanently installed. Use of additional filters is not possible.
NESSI Speckle Imaging
- Please consult with the NESSI team prior to proposal submission.
- Scheduling might be done in either queue or classical depending on the number, nature and distribution of the observations proposed. For a proposal scheduled in classical mode, the PI or a CoI would be responsible for carrying out the observations following training from one of the NESSI Instrument Scientists.
- Please identify any special observing techniques required and reference any previous successful use of such techniques. For new observing techniques, please consult the WHIRC Instrument Scientist to discuss viability.
- Detailed information on proposing to use NEID can be found here.
A list of Instrument Scientists can be found on our Contacts page.
Any questions can be directed to Heidi Schweiker (heidi.schweiker at noirlab.edu).
Last modified: 04-Oct-2021 15:54:55 MST
- Observing at WIYN