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Opportunity Queue Disclaimer

  1. Scheduled Synopotic observations take precedence over any Opportunity Queue project, and should be taken first when possible.
  2. This is a completely voluntary program and no Observer should feel pressured into taking observations for an OQ project. Observers should initiate contact with PIs, not vice versa.
  3. There is no guarantee that a PI's desired filters are available and mounted in the filter wheel at any given time, though the standard UBVRI filters are usually mounted.
  4. We encourage PIs and Observers to explore other creative reward schemes. However we strongly recommend that inscentives be restricted to academic rewards. Monetary rewards set a dangerous precedent; PIs should clearly understand any legal restrictions on grants or public funds if they choose to offer them.
  5. The Site Manager reserves the right to limit the number of postings to the OQ in the event that reqests become burdensome. Appeals regarding such limits should be made to the Telescope Scientist.
  6. The OQ is an experimental offering that relies on the good faith of both the PIs and Observers. People acting in bad faith (e.g., reneging on the promised rewards) may be barred from the OQ in the future. The WIYN 0.9-m Executive Committee reserves the right to halt the entire OQ for any reason at any time.
  7. Currently, we are operating the OQ in a trial, shared-risk mode. We would appreciate feedback from PIs and Observers to help us refine the OQ webpages. If it proves successful, we plan on automating the entry and removal of programs under the PI's control.


Queue Observing Tools

Synoptic Queue

Photometric Queue

Opportunity Queue


Heidi Schweiker
WIYN 0.9m Observatory
950 N. Cherry Ave.
Tucson, AZ 85719
E-mail: heidi.schweiker@noirlab.edu
Telephone: (520) 318-8140
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Anthony Petrie's index page Josh Schwartz's index page