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Photometric Queue

The Photometric Queue is designed for partners who would like to do photometric monitoring programs. The programs don't require an entire night of telescope time, but rather a small amount of block time once or a few time a semester. The program enables partner institutions time on the telescope without having to travel to Kitt Peak to make the observations. As a photometric queue observer you are alloted up to one hour for each night you request observations and a maximum of 3 nights in a row. Photometric queue observations will only be undertaken by a select group of stellar observers. Number of nights and time of year are subject to the classic observations schedule. Submission for the photometric queue follows the same guidelines as classic observing submissions. Photometric queue proposals are ranked by each institution in the same pool as the classic observing proposals. Photometric program PIs must submit a detailed outline for their observing program to each night's on-site observer. Targets and their coordinates are required. Pointing charts are helpful but not required. When creating an outline for each nights one must take into account exposure time, readout time (about 2.5 minutes per image) and slew time (about 3 minutes) if there are multiple targets. The more information the photometric PI can provide the on-site observer the better chance they have of their program succeeding. Photometric data will only be taken in UBVRI filters. At the end of each night the on-site observer will email the photometric PI to inform them of where their data is stored. It is then the responsibility of the photometric PI to retreive the data and delete each nights directory.


Queue Observing Tools

Synoptic Queue

Photometric Queue

Opportunity Queue


Heidi Schweiker
WIYN 0.9m Observatory
950 N. Cherry Ave.
Tucson, AZ 85719
E-mail: heidi.schweiker@noirlab.edu
Telephone: (520) 318-8140
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