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Opportunity Queue Execution

  1. A PI emails a complete request for observations to the Site Manager.
  2. An Observer:
    1. Chooses which project, if any, s/he would like to collaborate on (see Part 4). We recommend that s/he contact the PI before taking any observations to minimimize misunderstandings.
    2. Takes the PI's data during free time in his/her observing run.
    3. Works with the PI to transfer the data (including calibration images) to the PI as quickly as possible (see the procedure for transfer of synoptic observations for ideas on how to accomplish this).
    4. Includes the time spent OQ observing as part of his/her telescope time allocation. The time is not charged to the OQ program PI's institution, and it should not be reported as service observing on the nightlog form.
  3. The PI receives the data, checks it to ensure it is acceptable, and if so, (a) informs the Observer and the Site Manager. PIs should do this promptly to avoid multiple observations by multiple Observers.
  4. In due time, the PI rewards the Observer with some form of academic compensation (simple thanks, acknowledgement in a paper, co-authorship, reciprocal observation, exchange of OQ time, etc). The PI should inform the Observer upon publication.


Queue Observing Tools

Synoptic Queue

Photometric Queue

Opportunity Queue


Heidi Schweiker
WIYN 0.9m Observatory
950 N. Cherry Ave.
Tucson, AZ 85719
E-mail: heidi.schweiker@noirlab.edu
Telephone: (520) 318-8140
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Anthony Petrie's index page Josh Schwartz's index page